Benowa Bowls Club

Benowa Bowls Club GoldCoast Queensland Australia. Cheap Beer & Wine. We have Pokies, PoolTable, Barefoot Bowls Keno great music..... www.benowabowlsclub.com.au

Social Member $5.50/Year
Full Member $90/Year

BareFoot Bowls
$7 pp
Are you looking for a new party style that is fun to play and easy to learn.
Bare Foot bowls is now a popular way to host your next party or just a get together with friends. A very inexpensive way to host your next party.
Great for Hens & Bucks parties, Staff parties, Birthdays or just about any type of gathering. To make a booking please go to our contact page.
Social Members can enjoy Club Benowa for as little as $5.50 per year. Social Membership gives you access to all our facilities and is perfect for non-bowlers looking for a fun and friendly venue on the Gold Coast.
Full Members enjoy full access to the club for only $120 per year.
New bowlers are always welcome and Club Benowa prides itself on its friendly and supportive nature. Even if you have never bowled before, come down and let one of our members give you some tips to get you on your way.
BareFoot Bowls
Great Prices
Friendly Atmosphere
2 Bowling Greens
Large Parking Area
Out Door Covered Table Area
Free WiFi
Fully Licensed Bar
Everyone Welcome
The Little Club with the Big Heart
Situated in heart of the Gold Coast, Benowa Bowls Club has easy access to all areas of the Gold Coast.
With our large car park we can cater for large groups arriving by bus.
All visitors welcome

Free WiFi so why not bring your laptop or tablet down and finish up some work while you sip on an ICE cold Beer.....
(Ask Bar Saff for Password)